Bubbling : Do something for you


Remember when you didn’t have a care in the world? When you didn’t have bills or kids? When all you had to do was go to school, clean your room and respect you parents? Back then you were just happy for no reason. Those were the days. So now you’re an adult, is your happiness suppose to end? I would hope not, We spend the majority of our lives “adulting”, being responsible and taking care of everyone else, who says you can’t find some happy in between all of that? You work a 9 to 5 then you have to go home, cook, do homework and maybe even clean. When do you sit down and take time for yourself? You forget about you, that’s what Self-love is all about, How could you take care of everyone else if you’re not happy? When you take a moment for yourself, (which I know is easier said then done) you give yourself a chance to recharge, to reboot. Even if you just stop to read a book, have glass of wine, take a warm bath or have a date night with yourself, whatever it is, it should be something that makes you feel rejuvenated.


Ladies, don’t forget that you matter, That you need to be taken care of you too. As strong as us women purport to be, we have our moments. So, yes be all you can be for the people around you if that’s who are, but don’t forget yoursef. Go have that spa day, Go to the beach, Go to the park, go where ever your heart takes you.

Published by Re’gan Weal

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