Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself








About me

Hey There Darling’s, Welcome!

 I’m born and raised in NYC. I’m a Fashion Influencer, Content Creator and Lifestyle Blogger. In addition to being an Influencer I have a full time job that I love sometimes Lol. I’ve loved fashion since I was a little girl even tho I was and still am a Tomboy. Yes, I love to look like a lady but I also love to throw on a cute pair of kicks and a hat with just about everything. There’s Nothing like feeling good in your own skin and fashion helps you do that. I want to share with you fashion tips and anything else that may come to mind. I would like women to feel like they can do anything with fashion they’d like. There are no rules!!

I also love Beauty & Travel. I’m by no means a beauty expert but love to wear it. Traveling is something I love to do, I’ve been a few places and can’t to see more of the world. Preferably, anywhere with a beautiful beach because I that’s my happy place.

So, thanks for stopping by and I hope you stick around.

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