My Fit Life: Featuring Adidas UB DNA Running Gear

This Post Is Sponsored By Adidas

How many of us say we’re going to get fit this year and it never happens? Life gets in the way, we lose focus and continue to put it off, before you know it the year is over. Then there was 2020! You were in Quarantine and all you’ve done is eat, like you needed that drama. We’ve all been there. But now it’s time to regain focus and take care of you. Self care is Self Love. If you’ve been waiting for a reason to get back on track and focus, here it is.

I loss my focus but I’m back and 17 lbs down. I’m on a mission and I’m doing it my way, in style. This Collaboration with Adidas could not have come at a better time. I’ve been busting my behind getting back to my health and fitness. A great fitness routine helps your mind, body and soul. Sure, you could lose weight and you could gain muscles, but what do you gain mentally? You gain everything. You gain the focus you need to live your best life and be stronger in every way, you gain mental stability. This past year has tested everyone in every way, this was not for the weak. When you’re emotionally strong, you can handle just about anything. One of the things that motivates me to work out is feeling good and looking my best. That’s why I love this new running collection. Cardio may not be my favorite thing to do but I love how it makes me feel. When I’m comfortable, I work out much better and tend to push myself further. The bright stylish sweaters are comfortable, breathable and motivating. Especially, The leopard pink sweater, that’s so me!! I adore the slip on sneakers because they’re flexible, light weight, super comfortable and don’t have laces, that’s one less thing I have to worry about while running. Less is definitely more. What’s most important to me is that I’m warm and that’s just what this collection is for. Definitely check out this collection.

Comment below and let me know if you could see yourself in these pieces.


Published by Re’gan Weal


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